Monday, February 25, 2019

Delita Hooks Violent manipulative liar along w/ her partners in crime should stop their years of lying and false narratives

I wouldn't except an apology and believe me the sickos everyone involved in the violence lies threats the goal to coerce me the false narrative's they have no ethics no integrity no decency so they're not offering apologies but they've lied and lied and participated and how many crimes and at some point if they're caught if there are arrested I still wouldn't want them  do you have to go back to everyone they lied to including Patient who knew anyone looking at the video knows the truth but everyone who knew that they were lying they should go back and have to tell them they lied I would like it publicly published in newspapers and on news reports but I won't except apologies because my Dad served in World War II -- Our families came over from Europe they suffered so much they would cry if I tried to find out what happened and my dad never discussed what happen World War II he taught me to love this country like an  immigrant, or people dealt with starvation like most immigrants coming to this country, like the first people of this country so pretty much that something most people have in their life have experienced where their ancestors have experienced so please don't try and use any story to justify your violence your lies your crimes my dad died knowing I was treated like a Jew in the early stages in Nazi Germany and Nazi Germany was how many years ago lesson 80 years ago millions of my people were taken from their homes degraded torture  Humiliated starved if they weren't mass murdered on the spot they were brought to locations to be slaves starved raped tortured and murdered robbed and for those who survive they chose to be good people honest people not liars not violent like Delita Hooks and she was not alone!

 In a deposition besides inappropriate behavior by her employer by her by lawyers Styrofoam cups are waived in my direction -- including one by Delita Hooks --  to me that was a violent act that was her giving me the finger yet again with a cup she admitted she gave me the finger three times she committed perjury over and over littering her lies her wrongdoing with an occasional truth --

 Her employer Dr. Andrew Fagelman and she  have taught their kids that being violent that being liars is OK and about getting NYPD to join them and breaking was the blue mafia I'm waiting for Justice however many years it takes because many of the crimes do not have a statute of limitation --  their children have to learn that what their parents did our crimes and blaming the victims is not OK and finding corrupt cops that are willing to break laws because they also are willing to discriminate against me and treat me like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany is not OK

 I'm going to be taking more actions but I cannot write about them at this time