Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Delita Hooks Violent Manipulative Liar

Update 2018 Delita Hooks  committed perjury -  why should she worry about committing perjury she committed how many crimes but what was interesting is she did litter her lies with occasional truths.
 Apparently there are certain people that aren't interested in lying for her and those people all of a sudden she could not remember their names.

 She broke how many laws and she had the help of NYPD who joined in breaking laws and apparently if I'm understanding this correctly she was  an immigrant so what the NYPD taught her is that welcome to America you can try to beat people to a pulp lied to the police during an open investigation threaten your victim middle kinds of crimes attempt to engage as many people in your lies and then commit perjury no problem -

 My dad served in World War II and he died knowing I was treated like a Jew in early stages of Nazi Germany .  Delita Hooks  begin violating my patient rights by telling me I don't have any rights can you imagine she's not fired or arrested including for running punched my head but it didn't stop there when the video goes black.  Before and after is just shocking and disturbing and she's not fired and she is not arrested at least yet along with how many other people involved.

 She said I was mean and I was in it but she was mean and she is a mean person who is manipulative and really really it's me is capable of terrible wrongdoing and she she has no understanding of right and wrong she really doesn't she continues to emphasize a point to me with her shocking shocking behavior.  If she doesn't understand right from wrong you have to also think about her employers roll one awful person and what a terrible liar he is too.

 Plenty of crime she committed along with other people involved in the case committed crimes that do not have statute of limitations so I'm calling for a special prosecutor.

 I wonder if she and her employer are involved in other criminal activity that's been sealed or erased? All the crimes they're not in the statistical reports of the 1st Precinct.  I was told NYPD  rush to seal her crimes with thei's I guess to protect her and her boss  and cops that joined in breaking laws.  It's not sealed anymore but it doesn't seem to matter but I'm just going to hang in as long as it takes until I get Justice  

 I read a review that stated her daughter is now working there and it's hard to believe it but she's training people so my question is training them to do what be violent and lie, threaten your victims ctims  and blame your victims, break laws and get away with it?

 As much as she is an awful awful person and expert manipulator her boss is even  worse.

Delita Hooks Violent Manipulative Liar -  please don’t be suckered by her crocodile tears and her lies she’s had many years to craft them.   If you supported I guess you think it could never happen to you ?

She is an expert liar (she has had practice?), shockingly violent liar and a master manipulator and I am alleging w/ powerful “friends” who I allege helped her  craft her newest false narrative.

 Please be more and she is not which she appears to be and I will have a shocking story to tell you in approximately one year stay tuned I feel I can’t tell you more until the appropriate time

 Her newest false narrative has people disappearing who may no longer feel comfortable lying for her ?

 Certain crimes have no statute of limitation including lying to the NYPD during an open investigation ( even when the NYPD are breaking laws as part of fixing favors  in retaliation like in my case) being party to falsifying a police reports lying to the police during open investigation party to threatening a victim and more stay tuned...

 I’m the victim I went with doctors to feel better I left feeling worse with serious injuries I haven’t been able to sleep in almost 6 years and the lies don’t stop they keep crafting and we doing their lies to fit there what I can only describe as evil agenda.

Delita Hooks could have killed me if I had fallen back and hit my head and she made up every kind of lies and justification — crocodile tears -   She’s an expert at manipulating people and suckering them when the evidence is in your face she did terrible things terrible she did them from behind that reception desk she menaced me and followed me and she still lying blaming me.

Not one person in that video or any person confided in has  advised her to stop the lies or come forward and spoken up and tell the truth instead they keep causing me more harm in more suffering my Dad, a WW2 Veteran died knowing  I was treated like a Jew in the early stages in Nazi Germany — my Mom has one foot in the grave dying she knows!

My Dad died knowing her and her pals in the video  lied to the NYPD during an open investigation and my Mom is dying knowing — My mom has neurological problems and if I have that in my head was shaking and punched by this crazy violent liar — along from insomnia for years of lies —  it’s too late for her or her family to apologize my Dad dead my Mom almost dead!

 It’s too late for apologies I don’t want her family to track me down years later and apologize too late —   Everyone involved who either lied supported the lies don’t contact me apologies years later — too late your silence isn’t ok...

US attorney Southern District -  sometimes uses flow charts I’d like to see a flow chart of how many people were involved in trying to make this disappear crafting lies threatening me downgrading all the crimes zero crimes using Ron Kuby‘s letter when her response is assigned thread to meet it to Detective Andrew Dwyer signed off on by his supervisor.

 Terms of who volunteered to craft the false narrative some of it was posted on yelp and Google I’d like to know who volunteer their services versus who was paid and put them in the flow chart.